My mom and I took this picture when we were putting her back up the other day and i just thought it was so cute and funny lol
Well it's been a while since i've updated. I usually try to wait a while so that I can have a lot of good news in one post lol! Let me first start off by saying God is still in the blessing business so i must once again give him all the praises He deserves! Here's what's been going on since i last updated on Sunday: Sunday when i logged off we went to visit Amaya' the nurse informed us that they were letting her eat as much as she wanted and she had been averaging 32cc's. The nurse also told us that she had developed thrush which most likely came from her antibiotics she was taking for the bump on her head. They were treating it with some medicine that must've tasted very nasty because Amaya' made the ugliest (but cute lol) face Rudolph or I had ever seen. she is really beginning to get a little personality which is so cute. She is becoming such a ham and developing a personality. She will close her eyes when she sees my camera lol and is a feisty little thing lol it's so cute. I love to see her eyes light up and I love it when she smiles at us. When I inquired on the 29th about her weight she was at 2 pounds 15 ounces! One more pound to go! I just can't say it enough I am so proud of my little girl! She weighed 2 pounds 15.5ounces and had increased her feedings to 40 and 45cc's on July 31st.(depending on which feeding she was getting). I'm can't wait to call the hospital tonight to see what her stats are as far as feeding amounts and weight. Lord i pray she is over 3 pounds or atleast at 3 pounds. I think I am going to be screaming lol. A couple of nights ago her heart rate was high. I'm not sure how high but high enough for the doctors to draw blood and run tests to make sure she wasn't getting sick. So far all of the results have come back good and it hasn't been that high since then. When we visited her Wednesday(July 30th) her heart rate went up to 234 and we noticed it happened when we held her towards her neighbor who had been crying for more than 30 minutes. I'm thinking that is why it was up so high. I pray all is well with my baby girl! I can't wait until tomorrow! I am going to get to stay at the hospital for atleast 7 hours with my little punkin!
it is now Saturday morning lol and i realized I forgot to post this. Well last night she was 3 pounds 1.4 ounces!!! I have never loved the number 3 so much!
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